Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday Holiday!!

I like three day weekends.  I also like three day weekends after a snowy 3-day work week.  I think I'm getting spoiled.  I need to go back to work tomorrow with a good & positive attitude to get me through to Thursday (because I have Friday off too to go visit the wifey in Louisville...! hahahaahaha).  But still, good positive attitude.  That's why I've put the new quotable greeting card by my bed, because it reminds me of how to maintain a good attitude. Ok, gotta go, Piglet and I are off to see Black Swan and have a sister date!!

Monday, 10 January 2011

Snow Day

In the backyard, using my awesome camera extender.

Snow day, snow day, yayyy yayy yayy!  When I woke up this morning, I really did intend to go into work, because they'd told us that if we didn't make in because of the weather or if we came in late because of the snow, then we would have to use our pto to make up the time we weren't sitting at our desks.  I really did not want to lose out on valuable pto.  Fortunately, after Mike and tried to get the poor dodge caravan out of the snow/ice covered driveway, I was told by both my managers that the office had been closed for the day due to there being entirely too much snow.  Woo woo!!!  I was even more pleased because I was already awake and ready to start my day, and now I could do just whatever I pleased and didn't have to worry about going into the office.  I ended up sitting and drinking my yummy coffee and eating my yummy toast with my new organic pb from trader joe's.  You could say it was a yummy breakfast.  Then, I decided to use my free day to get some much belated scrapbooking done, so I sat in front of the heater with all my scrapbooking goods and worked on getting wedding pictures put into the cool little scrapbook that Becca gave us as a wedding gift.  It was really fun.  Mike sat on the couch and job-searched/watched a Star Trek marathon while I worked.  Then, we ate some lunch (tuna sandwiches and veggie chips w/salsa) and then Mike suggested we go out in the neighborhood for a walk in the snow.  A few neighborhood kids were outside sledding down the icy hill in our subdivision, and we watched as they played and then we walked to the front of the subdivision and threw snowballs at a post across the street, seeing who could get closest to hitting it (neither of us did...shocker).  It doesn't sound worth mentioning, but it was so easy and so fun and it made me smile while looking up and thanking the weather gods or whoever it is in the charge of the snowstorm in Georgia, for this beautiful gorgeous snow day.

Yo yo yo.  Let it snow!

Listening to: Snow Patrol, "Crack the Shutters" and Girltalk.
Lying in bed, and my eyes are about to fall shut, but I am resisting because I'd rather this day did not end.